Sunday, 18 March 2012

Celebrate Life Not Money

wonder of life is happiness by Hostels247
It’s a fact of life that we all need a certain amount of money to live, this can not be avoided, we need money for everything from buying food & drink, travel & accommodation, as well as heating, water, gas and electricity supply to mention just a few of the basics.

Then you have the added costs of shopping, entertainment and travel and hotel accommodation for holidays or weekend breaks.

All these costs soon add up and can put a strain on finances.

The quest for money to facilitate the basic necessities to live, has caused the majority of us to loose sight of some of the true wonders of life (Happiness) and just to strive to gain more money in order to live and pay the bills, which is a great pity.

It’s true we all need money, but what we all need to take a step back, and try our best to know what the important things in life,

Celebrate Life & Not Money Hostels247 blog

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